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The time 6.30pm, the place, wonderland, it's purpose to encourage, nurture and support readers of all ages and abilities. I know that describes many bookstores in the world but somehow Natasha and her team in a pedestrianised side street in Brentwood excell. The book group Alison came to be with were both friendly and interested in what was being said. We discussed a book they had been reading called The Factory a Japanese translated to English shorter than usual book, with surreal occurrences and non questioning characters and intriguing ends that nobody actually could say definitively what happened but would definitely read the authors second book.

We discussed Alison's latest offering Because She Looked Away and was pleased to find that many had read some of her previous books also. We discussed how she builds her characters, the research involved in the storyline how she keeps track of who did what with who and to who and we laughed at her version of how she got published. Everyone was just lovely and I hope that they enjoyed the evening as much as I did. We ate jammy dodgers and drank tea and then we chatted and Alison signed the books purchased.

Chicken and frog has a wonderful neurodiversity dept, and adults room, a tuition centre and a children's dept that's out of this world.

Check them out at www chickenandfrog com



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